
Dominguez, Angel: Desgraciado: The Collected Letters

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SKU: MCB492462931 Category:


NightboatBooks, paperback

Publication Date:February 15, 2022

Publisher Marketing:A collection of epistolary poems that exorcise and explore the material violence and generational trauma of colonization and systemic racism stored within queer Latinx memory.

InDESGRACIADO, Angel Dominguez navigates a visceral constellation of language and memory, illuminating the ongoing traumas of misremembered and missing histories, and their lasting impacts. Dominguez unravels a critical and tender language of lived experience in letters addressed to their ancestral oppressor, Diego de Landa, (a Spanish friar who attempted to destroy the written Maya language in Mani Yucatn, on July 12th 1562), to articulate an old rage, dreaming of a futurity beyond the wreckage and ruin of the colonial imaginary. This collection doesnt seek to heal the incurable wound of colonization so much as attempt to re-articulate a language towards recuperation.


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