
[04/01/25] McCartha, Madison: The Cryptodrone Sequence

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SKU: MCB492458892 Category:


Black Ocean, paperback

Publication Date: April 1st, 2025

Publisher Marketing: THE CRYPTODRONE SEQUENCE is a simulation glitch; a cipher; a queer assemblage diary with a cut-up persona–much like Kathy Acker’s Janey Smith from Blood and Guts in High School; an anarcho-punk-bot-tremor using as its source material a technical handbook on computer network security, as well as some chewed-up texts from Jean Genet, douard Glissant, Clarice Lispector and others who together constitute this poetic intervention. This booklnegth poem speaks into a larger body of art-making that pulses at the intersection of race, technology, and the occult–one signaling expressions of blackness that subvert their mediating technologies.


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